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Gotzfried served at Majdanek which, with seven gas chambers, was one of the Nazis’ six “extermination camps, where the industrial scale mass murder of the Holocaust was at its most intense.
The others were Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno.
The Guardian Friday May 21 1999
Oddly no train ran to the town, so a crowded bus took me from Torun to another Poland and another history. To my purblind and naive eye, it was a pleasant place when I arrived that night, clumsily holding Renata’s hand, as I had those of unwelcome partners walking as a child to hear the vicar. And so cold to the touch! In the church now, though dressed in winter togs, I was run through by the feel of the stone statuette on my gloved hand and her still stonier gaze onto the town below the hill, all cheerily aglow, yet withholding a certain matter from scrutiny. From the tombs of the Catholic dead, great slabs of marble never to be defaced, as though sensing another quietus, I rushed down the hill in a manic rush to a boozer with endless jars of piwo for those who could not quite follow the little town’s monumental secret or her stony stare, implacably discreet. Who had won the war? Who was the baddy? When not tramping to church meekly or storing up a life time’s failure to hold hand’s without causing discomfort for myself or those who won my heart, I had found to those questions an answer in a picture of a tall and gangling Kraut, reminiscent
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